Dare to Dream Latinas works with middle school and high school Latinas to encourage and support their efforts to graduate from high school, to encourage college enrollment, and to introduce them to college and career role models. Today, about one in four students are Latinx, a growth trend predicted to continue in the near future. As young Latinas, our participants face a number of obstacles including gender discrimination, racism, and economic hardships.


The year 2025 marks the 14th Annual Dare to Dream Latinas Conference, but its origins stretch farther back to 2007. Founding members Connie Baker and Dorothy Valintis attended the AAUW (American Association of University Women) National Convention in Phoenix, AZ in 2007 where they learned about a conference for middle school and high school Latinas presented by some AAUW women from California. The purpose of the conference was to encourage the girls to graduate from high school and go to college.